Our Services
McKinnon Oilfield LTD »McKinnon Oilfield provides a variety of services to oilfield leases across West Central Saskatchewan. We have a fleet of picker crew trucks and trailers and skid steers used to look after lease clean-ups, snow removal, fencing, pipeline maintenance, and more.
If you have further questions about our services, please get in touch!
Facility Construction
We’ll install compressors, separators, and vessels on your lease.
I-Jack Installation
An infield boost pump for the oilfield.
Lease Fencing
Keep livestock and other trespassers out of the lease area.
Picker Work
Oilfield work is easier with the help of picker! We’ll drive our picker out to wherever you are and work with you.
Pipeline Abandonment
When a pipeline is taken out of service, we’ll come in and remove it for environmental reasons.
Flex Coil Pipeline Installations
Get cost reduction for pipeline builds using this product over steel.
Lease Clean-Up
General clean-up services for leases in the oilfield. We’ll clean up rig messes, debris, etc.
Lease Snow Removal
One-time or regularly scheduled snow removal.
Pigging and Pig Trap Inspections
We’ll send a pig down the pipelines to remove wax and contaminants. This process helps prevent pipeline corrosion and can increase the productivity and longevity of your line.